Monday, November 1, 2010

It's All About the People

Flawless Execution and an Extraordinary Customer Experience are all about the people we have doing the execution and providing the experience. Sure, you need to have the systems in place, provide the tools and agree on what flawless and extraordinary mean to the customer and still, at the end of the day it is up to our people.

I met with staff and customers and competitors on a drive up island last week and heard many positive comments. “Monk does a great job”. “Pete is awesome”. “Paulo carries all the boxes in and puts them exactly where we need them”. “Brent is a great guy”. “The DC is getting customer orders to us as planned”. “Cori and Wayne are very helpful”. There were many such comments about our sales and management staff up island too.

On Friday morning I delivered a 3 year anniversary clock to Michelle in Sidney (and sang Happy Anniversary with Brenda and Cindy). I was humbled by the things that Michelle said about working at Monk Office, just like I was last week when Debby made her 25 year anniversary speech and when one staff member picked up her cheque.

It is all about our people. Stewart has been waiting in hospital for 3 weeks to have surgery to remove a tumor from his brain. The surgery is supposed to be happening as I write this. Since Stewart has been off, our customers have missed him and our staff have missed him. For six plus years he has been delivering to our customers and our Sidney store. He exchanges the same comments with the staff, if they like to talk, or he moves carefully and quietly and drops off the orders if they prefer not to talk. Sometimes, he is like a shadow in the way he drops off the goods without even an interruption at the customer. A customer of Stewart’s/Monk visited him in hospital when I was there last weekend.

Stewarts starts early in the morning (too early for awhile, but we got that sorted out) and knows which businesses in Sidney open before 8 in the morning so he can drop off their orders. He is like clock work. Dependable, consistent, personable, respectful and trustworthy. He knows what he needs to do, and does it.

It is really all about the people.

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