Monday, July 20, 2009

Thank you to Customers

The results are out. For the year ended June 30 Monk showed a modest increase in sales for the year. All things being equal, that is a good thing. We’re still pushing our management and staff to do something different and new this year to ensure Monk attracts additional customers and provides additional value to existing customers.

Thanks, to you, our loyal customers who continue to allow us to service you. I hope the staff member at the store or our rep or driver is thanking you for the business. I know when I am chatting with someone who tells me they are a customer I always thank them and tell them we appreciate their business and often ask them how we are doing.

We often make a big deal of it when we earn the business from a new customer or when we retain a formal contract. What we do not make a big deal of, is the ongoing business we do with our loyal and regular customers. That’s an oversight I think.

The same may be true internally. Do we thank our staff enough? Our staff is the reason that customers keep coming back and yet we sometimes take it for granted that they will be there to help our customers’ lives run smoothly. Are we making our staff’s lives run smoothly enough? Are we giving them the recognition they deserve? I know I could do this more. We probably all could.

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