Friday, September 17, 2010


Golf is generally an individual game. I think you would agree, to make par requires superb execution. I am very happy when I make par. Even consistent bogies work for me. I am a once a year golfer at the Monk Office staff tournament.

At the Monk golf tournament, we play as a team. Now you would think that playing as team would require each of us to execute flawlessly. That is true of most teams. The sales team must get the orders done, the quotes correct, visit the sites, estimate the labor correctly, and enter the correct and reasonable delivery time and the correct products. The ops team must receive the product on time and correctly, and invoice it when agreed and correctly and then install it as per drawings and leave the customer office in pristine condition with shiny new office furniture.

Sometimes, if any team member at Monk slices the ball out of bounds (i.e. fails to execute) another team member can go get it and the customer is “none the wiser” i.e. the customer is completely happy with the result and unaware of the glitch in the middle of the process. This is great for the customer and is encouraged at Monk. Do what it takes to reach our objective; the correct furniture delivered and installed as and when promised (among other details).

This picking up the ball, however, takes time and costs money. It takes away from other tasks that may have longer term befits. Any lack of execution has an impact on each of us.

The Monk golf teams use a best ball format. So really, only one in 4 shots requires any semblance of execution. Real life is not like that. There is a cost to having 4 people pick an order and see which one picks it the best. There were lots of laughs on the golf course this past weekend and many shouts of “fore” as some folks exhibited less than perfect execution.

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